With profound sorrow, Nion mourns the death of co-founder and co-editor, Lyn Hejinian.
“We call back coming to the friends we leave behind help yourselves make use of life and look on from there”
—Lyn Hejinian, from Happily
Founded in 2016 by Jane Gregory, Lyn Hejinian, and Claire Marie Stancek, Nion Editions publishes three titles per season, with special interest in chapbooks and uncategorizable forms. In addition to finished works, Nion is interested in writing that might be deemed fugitive: works-in-progress, thought experiments, guesswork, shards, remnants.
380 51st Street
Oakland, CA 94609
“car]ve or [g]naw a niche, [gli]tch my [l]ove-/ [s]ong this [ph]ylum in [s]kin or [king]dom in noise.”
We are not accepting submissions at this time.